Ozone Therapy Decatur, IL

How does IV Ozone Therapy in Decatur works?

One of the fundamental underlying causes of all degenerative diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, is decreased energy production of the cellular mitochondria. Ozone therapy has been found to correct this issue by stimulating the uptake of oxygen. When cells get the optimal amount of oxygen, they function properly to help prevent and inhibit disease. 

When a patient has a chronic disease or autoimmune disorder, their immune system is working overtime, all of the time. 10 pass ozone therapy stimulates the white blood cells to produce immune related messenger molecules called cytokines, which in turn supercharges the immune system, allowing it to perform at the optimal level. Ozone therapy IV can also be used in conjunction with conventional cancer treatments as a way to alleviate symptoms and increase effectiveness of treatment.

Ozone Therapy Treatment in Decatur Protocol

The IV ozone treatment takes approximately 2 hours. A peripheral IV is started in the office, then the patient’s blood is drawn out and infused with ozone and then replaced back into the patient. There are a maximum of ten passes during the treatment process and a patient can have up to 3 treatments per week, depending on the provider’s recommendations. Heparin allergy/intolerance is a contraindication to this therapy. 

IV Ozone can be done as a protocol for Lyme/CIRS/or other disease treatment. 


Infusions : The protocol for treatment is approximately 4 weeks with 3 IV ozone
treatments per week, along with a weekly IV nutrition bag 

Adjunctive Support and Supplements: Addition supplements are supplied to the patient
during the 4 week treatment protocol

IV Ozone can also be done to treat other disease processes, ailments and symptoms. The duration and frequency of treatment, along with the number of passes, will vary by patient.

10 Pass Ozone Therapy Benefits and Outcomes

Some patients report an almost immediate energy boost and the relief of brain fog. Ozone therapy over time has shown with aiding in the relief or resolution of the disease processes listed above.

Ozone Therapy Near Me

Vero Clinics is the leading provider of IV Ozone treatments in Decatur, IL. Vero Clinics offers in-home and in-office Ozone treatments. Discover how Ozone Therapy improves your health and wellbeing by scheduling a consultation. Call Integrative Medicine Clinic Decatur at (217) 615-1144.

Ozone Therapy Decatur
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